8 Romance Fantasy Writing Prompts to Help Spark Your Imagination

Today I'm bringing you 8 romance fantasy writing prompts to help spark your imagination. You can use these to get ideas, write a story, or try a quick sketch. All of these prompts are original, so feel free to use them on your own site or for your writing. If you do post on your site, attribution would be nice, but not required!

Without further ado, here are the 8 romance fantasy writing prompts to help you break through writers block or cultivate the idea for your next story or novel!

romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts
romance fantasy writing prompts

I would love to hear if you used these writing prompts to write a romance fantasy story. Leave your link in the comments if you'd like to share your work!